Thursday, April 6, 2017

September 2014 - Part II
In early September we told the tenants in 104 that we were going to raise their rent.  They couldn't  pay that much so they were working on finding a new place.  Now, rents in Greeley have gone crazy, occupancy is at an all time high and if we don't keep our rents at market levels, we'll end up with the deadbeat tenants .  Additionally, these rents are what is keeping mom  comfortably in her apartment! 

So mid-September Diego was at the apartments mowing lawns when he talked to Rosalinda who was moving out.  What?  Seems that there was an altercation at the apartment the previous night and boyfriend had beat her up, landed in jail, and now she was getting out of Dodge City, asap!  Who could blame her.  But, because she left in such a hurry, she had to leave a lot behind.  Really a lot. 
The apartment was full of furniture, cabinets full of food, pan of rice that had been cooking on the stove.  Additionally it was dirty, dirty, dirty. 

Though carpets would have to be replaced after just 1 year - but Smart Carpets were miracle workers!  We gave furniture to Arc and anyone who wanted it.  Threw a bunch of stuff away.  Wow.
Clean and rent!

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